Saturday, February 20, 2010

Amarone della Valpolicella Doc Riserva "1888" 2003

Azienda vitivinicola: Villa Canestrari - Veneto (
Grapes: Corvina and Corvinone Veronese 70%, Rondinella 15%, Molinara 3% and other old varieties 10%.

Produced in the hills of Val d’Illasi, in the Verona province.

In 1888 head of the Bonuzzi-family - Carlo Bonuzzi, graduated from the school for enology, Regia Scuola di Conegliano Veneto and started to bottle his wine. This wine is dedicated to this beginning of Villa Canestrari.

Should accompany robust entrees, with meat, game and wildfowl, extra-mature and strong cheeses, accompanied by pickles (the italian mostarda made from grapes or other fruits, and cooked for several hours).

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