Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pappardelle with meat and speck

Serves 4

320 g pappardelle
200 g minced beaf
100 g speck in pieces
1/2 carrot
1/2 onion
1/2 celery stalk
2 leaves of bay leaf
1/2 glass of redwine
400 ml of tomato-puré
40 g of butter
Salt and pepper

Prepare the carrot, onion and celery, and cut in small pieces.

Heat olive-oil and butter in a skillet, add the vegetables and bay leaves.

When the onion is golden, add the speck and minced beaf, and cook for a few minutes on medium heat.

Add the redwine, and let evaporate. Add the tomato-puré, salt and pepper, cook on medium heat for about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile cook the pappardelle in plenty of salted boiling water.

Just before serving, add the ragu to the pappardelle.

Serve with grated parmesan-cheese.

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