Friday, June 4, 2010

Italians and icecream

No matter the weather - rain or sun, the italians are still eating icecream or gelato, as it is called in italian.

Until today the italians have spent 2 billion euros on gelato in the first 5 months of 2010.

By icecream, we are not talking about the sort that can be bought in the supermarket, but the real, genuine italian gelato made by the gelatoria - the small icecreamshops that you find on every corner in Italy.

The flavours most in demand, are the traditional flavours like chocolate, strawberry, lemon, hazelnut, crema and stracciatella - besides these you can find almost 600 other flavours of gelato in 36.000 gelato-shops in Italy.

The traditional gelato is creamy and light, and uses the fruits of the season and local specialities.
The basic ingredient is the fresh milk and the gelato is made with perfection to get the delicious gelato that we know and love.

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