Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trentino-Alto Adige - The Special Flavor Of Italian Cuisine

Author: Abhishek Agarwal

Italian cuisine, influenced by different cultures and eras, has an interesting history.

It is a conglomeration of ideas, which together form a characteristic Italian flavor that differentiates if from the cuisine of other regions in the world. It is precisely this fact that makes it one of the hot favorites of the world.

The best example of the influence of history on Italian cuisine is Trentino-Alto Adige, a region in Italy. A large number of external factors have played an important role in shaping the cuisine of this region. It is an amazing blend of popular Italian recipes and the specific, unique flavor of this region.
Before the mid-sixteenth century, the cusine of Trentino-Alto Adige was extremely simple. The inhabitants ate only to keep body and soul together. The cuisine had far to go and a lot to develop. Many historical events that took place after this lent a distinct shape and flavor to the cuisine of this region.

Council of Trent
The Council of Trent was the first event of significance that changed the cuisine of this region for the better in 1550, the year in which it was organized.

This council was an Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church, organized to find ways of countering the rise of Protestant Reformation. One would wonder how such an event, which bore no connection whatsoever to cuisine, influenced the food habits of the inhabitants of this region.

The religious officials who participated in this event, were gourmets who appreciated fine cuisine, which was why this event inspired the people of this region to prepare and appreciate fine cuisine. This is one of the best examples of how historical events can shape a region's cuisine.

Other Influences
The Habsburg Empire and the Republic of Venice also influenced the cuisine of this region. Slav, Hungarian, and Austrian cuisines also had a great part to play. Again, one would wonder what role these cuisines, so different from Italian cuisine, play in the shaping of the Italian taste.

The Unique Elements of This Cuisine
While the rest of country usually uses sea fish in most of its cuisine, this region is famous for its supply of fresh fish. In spite of the foreign influences, the region specializes in dishes, commonly thought to be typical Italian, such as tomatoes, pasta, and olive oil, in addition to a variety of other Italian dishes such as sauerkraut, dumplings, and potatoes. On Sundays, Goulash is commonly served.

Those who are conscious of their health should note that one of the popular ingredients of the region's cuisine is lard. If saturated fat is not good for you, you should enquire about the ingredients used in the food of this region. Many chefs consider lard to be the best ingredient in the preparation of certain delicacies. Needless to say, Italian chefs have no second thoughts about it.

Here is a list of unique items that are found in this region alone. One of these delicacies is potato dumplings with ricotta. Dumplings, though not commonly associated with Italian cuisine, is quite common in this area. Canerdeli, made out of leftover bread, is a special dumpling found only in this region. The region also has its own particular sauerkraut with a dish of stuffed chicken.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cooking-tips-articles/trentinoalto-adige-the-special-flavor-of-italian-cuisine-708654.html

About the Author
Abhishek is really passionate about Cooking and he has got some great Cooking Secrets . up his sleeves! Download his FREE 88 Pages Ebook, "Cooking Mastery!" from his website http://www.Cooking-Guru.com/770/index.htm . Only limited Free Copies available.

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