Saturday, August 21, 2010

The italian wineharvest 2010 is looking good

The italian wineproducers are looking forward to this years wineharvest which seems to be quite good this year.

The agricultural experts estimates that the harvest this year will produce 3-5 % more wine than last years production. The grapes are looking good, and the weather has behaved itself with a mild spring, hot july, rain and cool nights for the last couple of weeks, so the wineproducers are looking quite happy these days.

Soon the vineyards will be crawling with people harvesting the grapes, the roads crowded with trucks moving carefully and slowly with their valuable goods, and busy wineproducers in their cellar and cantina all over the country.

Some of the first grapes to be harvested will be the Chardonnay in the region of Veneto, which is expected to be initiated on the 21. and 23. of august.

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