Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Can Red Wine Shrink Your Waistline?

Author: Sammi Jonesman

Researchers have been touting the benefits of drinking red wine for many years now. Today, it seems like there is a new reason to celebrate: a recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine finds that drinking red wine can help women to lose weight.

The new 13-year study followed more than 19,000 American women over the age of 39 who were considered normal weight based on body mass index at the start of the study.
Researchers found that women who drank one or two alcoholic drinks per day were at a lower risk of becoming overweight or obese. Women who did not drink gained more weight than on average those who did.

In particular, the study emphasizes the link between drinking red wine and reduced weight gain. Previous studies have suggested that resveratrol, which is present in red wine, can limit the development of fat cells in the body.

While red wine may help women to lose or to maintain their weight, a previous study found the opposite to be true for men. A study of British men found that those who drank regularly gained more weight than those who did not. Indeed, alcohol is a high-caloric beverage, so these mixed findings are confusing. One possible explanation was that men tended to drink in addition to eating, while many women replaced some of their daily calories with alcohol.

Researchers warn women not to start drinking red wine just to lose weight. However, women who are within a healthy weight range should feel free to indulge in a glass of wine without worry of gaining pounds.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/wines-and-spirits-articles/can-red-wine-shrink-your-waistline-2042013.html

About the Author
Along with writing articles, Sammi enjoys gardening. Garden Harvest Supply is one of her favorite web sites where to purchase garden mums including hardy mums.

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